Sunday, May 17, 2009


I have hiked the Y twice in the last week, and have come to a couple of conclusions....

#1-) Someday when I have kids, I don't think I will hike the Y. I can bearly get myself up there, let alone carry a 17 pound baby. Trust me lots of babies were on this hike, and I just kept thinking how tired the parents must be!

#2-) While hiking this incredibly uphill hike I saw a couple of 8 month pregnant women. I think when I am pregnant it's a good time to pull out the pregnant card and say I am not hiking that steep hill, but I will stay home and eat chocolate!

#3-) I saw people hiking with their grandparents, and struggling! I am vowing right now never to bring my grandparents, or my parents on this trail! I really don't think they could handle it!

#4-) Another guy was trying to bike up to the Y...How do people do this? I will never do this! I don't know what would be worst...going up, or coming down!

#5-) Another guy ran up to the Y...I could barely walk up at a old ladies pace...I probably will never do this either, but it would be cool if I did!

All in all it was a good hike! It's an awesome workout, and it's so beautiful when you get to the top! I actually love this hike because you see a lot of happy people. I am just vowing never to hike with kids, grandparents, while pregnant, on a bike, or run up this hill. But other than that I can enjoy it very much!


Zachary said...

But that cowboy hat just makes the picture that much more sexy.

Smith Family said...

You might hike it when you are 8 months pregnant if it means it will make that baby come out. People get pretty desperate for that baby to come out.