Monday, April 12, 2010

Revenge for Mr. Chris!

So last Saturday my teacher announced to the class that single people and people without kids should never blog. Well I decided to prove him wrong, and show all my anonymous readers who leave me comments about investing in stock, why I have reason to blog! Welcome to the fabulous life of Hayley!

So as you can see I love music! I currently am taking saxaphone lessons, and I have been teaching guitar quite a bit. I am still in a bluegrass band, and we have been recording non stop! Here is to the music life is dedicated to you! So I recently bought my first pair of skinny jeans, and even though they make me look far from skinny...I love that I can sport all my cute boots with them...oh well here's to embracing your thighs :)!

So Lyndi and I recently went to Disneyland over UVU's spring break, and let me tell you we had a blast. All I can say is my trip boyfriend was Bob Dylan, and Lyndi's was Cat Stevens! :) Lyndi thanks for being so awesome!

So I have had a blast painting my piano cherry red....bold yes, but I adore my new piano! Whats my inspiration...Elton John's cherry red piano!

I got way too much candy for Easter--making me embrace those skinny jean thighs even more!

Rock climbing is quickly turning into my 1st love! When I go I seriously am on cloud 9 for like 3 days! I love the feeling of being able to get through challenges!
This is a really good looking that I have dated quite a bit!

Heber got married! Woo hoo! Notice it takes 2 brothers to lift my thighs!!! Ha ha! I think I am funny!


Lyndi said...

Way to rock those skinny jeans!

Zachary said...

The skinny jeans do work for you! And welcome back to the blogging world!

Bonnie said...

Your skinny jeans look awesome! I love your blog post! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

... So ... How bout that stock market? Invest much? ... I'm bad at selling stocks anonymously online. Sheesh. I love the skinny jeans, though! :D :D :D (Guess whoooo!?)