Tonight was so hillarious! I got a new guitar student named Harley. He just turned 6, and is adorable! Throughout the whole lesson, he kept screaming out "holy shoot", and then informed me that shoot wasn't a bad word. I couldn't stop laughing!
Then I taught Trevan. Trevan informed me that he wrote a new song called "If I see a dragon I will go mad". He started playing me the song and sang "If I see a dragon I wil go mad..." well after that he set down his guitar and started acting like a turkey....he then told me he went funny!
I also taught Isach tonight. Isach was so good in class, and didn't give me the silent treatment at all today. After class we walked outside in which he found a helicopter seed. Helpicopter seeds come from willow trees, and if you throw them in the air they come down looking like a helicopter....Gotta love learning from 7 year olds!
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