Thursday, October 16, 2008


#1-) I got a new car...2003 Mustang convertible! All I can say is so much fun!

#2-) I was a Daddy's girl 26 years ago, and I am still one today! I must say that I was blessed with such a loving Dad who has always been there for me!

#3-) I have been going country dancing for 1o 1/2 years and still have so much fun!

#4-) I have such an entrepreneur spirit, and my small business is growing steadily into not so small of a small business!

#5-) I am finally taking an important test for work on November 22nd, and I am studying my brains and eyes out! Yes I know what a Cardiac Sphincter is!

#6-) This is the last Fall without my favorite Missionary Elder Heber Chester Haws!

#7-) I have learned that sometimes people can be really, and I mean really mean, and you just have to roll your eyes, cry yourself to sleep, have your co-workers tell you how horrible they are, but still smile whenever you see them! And even though you hardly got an apology learn to forgive and try really hard to forget. Because maybe one day they will realize that they really do want you to be in their life.

#8-) My first utility bills came and was next to nothing...yeah for living in a brand new beautiful home!

#9-) I have great pals...especially my friend Matt Nott! Thanks little bro! I seriously don't know what I would do without your encouragement, your gift of song, and your crazy personality! love it!

#10-) I took my concealed weapons class!


Kara said...

Wow lots of stuff going on! I had a mustang and well lets just say you might not love it so much in the winter! But You will DO FINE!

Alternative polka said...

You're my favorite Older sister! hands down! I freakn' love you sis!
oh and we need to hit up more hot springs together! =)

Jen said...

Love the new ride ! How fun! I love your blog and randomness :)Good luck on the test!

leslie jo said...

WOW!! love that you took the concealed weapons class AWESOME! I too love the new ride!

Zachary said...

You've been busy! Keep it up...other than the person that hurt you, sounds like things have been awesome!!

C & E said...

You've got so much great stuff going on! I miss chatting with you at work. My husband wants me to take a concealed weapons course so bad, but I've been dragging my feet about it. Love your Car!

Unknown said...

WOW I'm so excited for your new car!! Thats awesome! So I REALLY need to scrapbook so call me sometime and we can plan another night of endless fun where you make 24 pages and I make 4 :D