Saturday, January 10, 2009


So This week I had the opportunity to go stay at the hospital with my precious niece Zoe. She was admitted on Monday, and by Thursday, my Super Mom of a Sister was burnt out. I volunteered for her to stay the night with Zoe, and for her to get a good nights sleep. I thought it would be a piece of cake, but Man did I learn some lessons.

I walked in the dark hospital room, and when I entered I looked down at my sweet sleeping niece and kissed her lightly on her forehead. She immediately woke up, and started screaming. I picked her up, and started rocking her...she continued to cry. I decided to feed her some premade formula that the nurses had given me...She wouldn't eat, and her diaper was dry. I seriously was stumped on what to do. I continued to rock my sick niece, and she finally fell asleep. I got up gently with the cradled baby and laid her in the metal framed crib...the crying began again. I hurried and picked her up, and the crying stopped. I decided that I would just sleep with the baby in my bed. I cuddled up to her, and we both fell asleep.

About an hour later she woke up crying. I checked her diaper she was soaked, I fed her 1.5 of the premade bottles, and then continued to burp the baby...She threw up all over my shirt. I cleaned up me and the baby, and had her nose cleared out by some kind of suction thing. I then laid her in the crib, and she started to cry. I picked her back up, and tucked her in bed with me.
I was getting tired.

This same process went on a couple more times during the night...diapers, bottles, suctioning noses, burping, cleaning up spit up. When I went to work the next day I seriously have never been so tired in my life. I went and got a 32 ounce Diet Dr. Pepper, and also indulged on a Butter finger Buzz...A new candy bar loaded with Caffeine! I seriously don't know how Mom's do it...Especially Mom's who have to have a job, to help support the family.

But taking care of Zoe also made me excited to someday be a Mom. It was such a comforting feeling to have such a precious creation cuddled up so close, and have someone who didn't want the lonely hospital metal crib, but wanted the comfort of being loved.

I guess this post is dedicated to all you Mothers out there who are way under appreciated, smell like baby formula, and schedule sleep in 2 hour increments. Again my hats are off to you!


Angela said...

That is so nice of you to help Wynter out. Sometimes we all need a break (or sleep). Babies are very special, they can brighten up any day.

leslie jo said...

You are very nice to help out! I love sisters! So what was she admitted for and is she doing better now? I hope so, it's so sad when babies are sick.