Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I thought I would share some thoughts, from some of my favorite women!

Oprah Winfrey's ten commandments for Success

1. Don't live your life to please others.
2. Don't depend on forces outside of yourself to get ahead.
3. Seek harmony and compassion in your business and personal life.
4. Get rid of the backstabbers-surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher.
5. Be nice.
6. Rid yourself of your addictions-whether they are food, alcohol, drugs, or behavior habits.
7. Surround yourself with people who are as smart or smarter than you.
8. If money is your motivation, forget it.
9. Never hand over your power to someone else.
10. Be persistent in pursuing your dreams.

"How noble and good everyone could be if, at the end of each day, they were to review their own behavior and weigh up the rights and wrongs....Everyone is welcome to this prescription; it costs nothing and is definitely useful. Those who don't know will have to find out bey experience that a quiet conscience gives you strength."- Anne Frank, July 6, 1944

"When you get intoa tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hand on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just eh place and time that the tide will turn." - Harriet Beecher Stowe

"If I feel depressed, I go to work. Work is always an antidote to depression." -Elanor Roosevelt

"The biggest disease today is not leprosy or cancer or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for, deserted by everybody. The greatest evil is the lack of lkove and charity, the terrible indifference towards one's neighbor who lives at the roadside, the victim of exploitation, corruption, poverty, and disease."-Mother Teresa


Wynter said...

Those are some inspirational words there...

leslie jo said...

I was looking at your list of things to do to celebrate Spring! Totally great idea! Some of those I will do with you anyday.. haven't taken my kids to the Zoo yet, well JO in Phoenix, which is a better zoo but yeah. I want to go to Lava.. we love it there and kites oh I love kites!
I am sooo sick of Winter time and the snow.. show me some color!
I love your blog!

JethRobyn said...

Thanks for the good words!

Zachary said...

I read your typing blog before this one...can I point out your spelling errors?

Awesome quotes! Thanks for posting them. That Oprah...pretty impressive woman!